Introduction to Sports

This portion of our site is designed to help the athlete that is trying to get better at and improve in their respective sport.

The staff at Alpha Center works with a variety of people with different athletic and sport backgrounds to improve their overall performance and skill, and assist them with successful recovery when sports-related injuries do happen.  It is our aim to keep you healthy and on the playing field.  It is our goal to work with you, whether your particular sport is recreational or if you play in front of 20,000 screaming fans.  At Alpha Center, we will work with you and help create a program that is related directly to the specialized needs of your sport.

This particular area of our website contains information related to a variety of sports and activities.  This is designed to be a resource to you, so that you may educate yourself on the best exercises you can do to stay at the top of your game.

Current Sports (we will be adding new sports on a regular basis).

The staff at Alpha Center looks forward to helping you improve your performance, and we are excited to help you get better every day you play.

We continually update our information, so check back regularly to find out what specific information and content has been added that can aid you in succeeding in your sport.

Finally, please be advised that this area is designed to provide you with general information.  It is not our intent for you to diagnose or self treat yourself without proper guidance from a Alpha Center professional or a doctor.   Do not diagnose, self treat, or attempt any exercises from the content on this site without contacting Alpha Center, your physician or a qualified specialist first.

At Alpha Center we offer Physical Therapy, Physiotherapy, Physio, Massage Therapy, Massage, Masseause, Exercise Therapy and look forward to working with you to reach your goals in athletic performance.